THURSDAY- When the House and Senate met this week to reconcile the budgets each had passed, they ran into problems....
Language Struck from HB 33!
GOOD NEWS! Concerning language in HB 33 has been removed! A couple weeks ago, we reported that there was concerning...
Testimony on HB 33 at Senate Hearing
Watch Patriot testimony before the Senate Finance Committee regarding Filling Vacancies on County Central Committees -...
Alert! OH Budget Includes Dangerous Changes to County Central Committee Seats
SUMMARY: If vacancies are able filled in the manner proposed within this legislation, then literally hundreds of seats...
BREAKING: Dominion Exposed- And What We Can Do
It's time. Ohio Precinct Strategy has taken a careful approach to addressing the problems in our elections. And we do...
Ohio May Join Other States in Pulling Out of ERIC
Monday- Secretary LaRose sent a letter to Shane Hamlin, the Executive Director at ERIC (Election Registration...
Joining Ranks and Moving Forward
I was sitting in my County Central Committee meeting and inevitably the subject came up—the recent Speaker of the...