The language which allowed for County Central Committee Members to be appointed to serve in areas in which they do not live was not in the state budget when it was signed into law last week.

Last Tuesday, July 4th, Governor Mike DeWine signed HB 33 into law. Back in May we had reported that the version of HB 33 which had passed the house included language which allowed for the appointment of County Central Committee members to areas in which they did not live.

The Senate Committee struck this dangerous language from the bill. However, the bill then went to the Conference Committee to iron out the differences. After that, the Governor signed the bill.

We have reviewed the version of HB 33 which the Governor signed and confirmed that 3517.02 is not in the final bill. We are happy to see this dangerous language regarding the County Central Committee did not get reinserted into the bill before it was signed!

We again wish to thank Senators Dolan, Cirino, Sykes, Brenner, and Huffman. We also thank everyone who testified, attended the hearing, called, sent email, had conversations, and prayed. Getting this language removed was truly a team effort!